Stay in the Know: Smart Visualization of Your System Status
Your central Status page highlights critical issues that demand your attention. We keep you informed about the status of your Apps across all scenarios, updating every 10 minutes for real-time insights.
Our home page's second section delivers instant insights into your organizations or accounts, complete with real-time status updates based on the latest failed scenarios. Stay agile, stay ahead with our tailored solution for automation developers.
The Status Bar provides a visual representation of your system's current status, allowing you to quickly assess its overall health and stay up to date with any incidents or disruptions.
Scenarios KPI table empowers you to efficiently organize and track your data with ease. With columns such as Name, Operations, Duration, Transfer, and Status, this intuitive table provides a comprehensive overview of your data flow, enabling you to monitor operations, track durations, analyze transfer details, and stay updated on data statuses.
Connection Health Table enables you to effortlessly monitor the status of your data connections and ensure smooth data flow. With columns including Name, Error, App, and Affected Scenarios, this comprehensive table provides valuable insights into the health of your connections, allowing you to quickly identify and troubleshoot any potential issues.
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